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Together with the Government, it is the Assembleia da República that has the competence to draw up national legislation. When legislative texts containing legislative rules are passed by the Parliament, they become known as Decrees of the Assembleia da República, and then, once they have been enacted by the President of the Republic, as Laws of the Republic. (Government legislation is issued in the form of Executive Laws).

In this part of the website we aim to highlight the fundamental texts on politico-parliamentary life, because being familiar with them is one of the basic criteria for undertaking a full and participative citizenship.

It is also possible to directly access the legislative procedure database and to use it to search all the legal texts passed by the Assembleia da República, including the legislative ones, since the 1st Legislature.

In addition to the laws that are seen as structural cores of politico-parliamentary activities, the importance of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembleia da República has also earned them a place here. Even though they are not a law, inasmuch they are passed in the form of a Resolution of the Assembleia da República, they list the rules governing the internal organisation, modus operandi and procedures that enable the Assembleia da República to exercise the competences with which it is charged by the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

You can access some important legislation that is already available in English:

Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

• Rules of Procedure of the Assembleia da República​

Regulations governing Access, Movement and Permanence on the premises of the Assembleia da República​

Statute of Members

• Regime governing the exercise of functions by political officeholders and senior public officeholders

Code of Conduct for the Members of the Assembleia da República

Assembleia da República Electoral Law

Parity Law

Legal Regime governing Referenda

Law governing Political Parties

Legal Regime governing Parliamentary Inquiries

Law governing the exercise of the Right of Petition

Legislative Initiative by Citizens

Statute governing the right of opposition

Monitoring, assessment and pronouncement by the Assembleia da República within the scope of the process of constructing the European Union

Law no. 46/2003 of 22 August 2003 (Law regulating the monitoring of the involvement of Portuguese military
  contingents abroad by the Assembleia da República)

Law governing the organisation and modus operandi of the Departments and Services of the Assembleia da República (LOFAR)

Statute governing Parliamentary Staff

Law no. 36/2012, of 27 August 2012 - Undertakes the first amendment to Law no. 6/97, of 1 March 1997, which
  authorises the broadcasting of parliamentary proceedings on the public and private cable TV networks, making it
  available via digital terrestrial television

Law on the Order of Precedence of the Protocol of the Portuguese State

Law no. 26/2016 - Approving the regime governing access to administrative and environmental information and re-use of administrative documents