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The management of the Portuguese Parliament is in the hands of the President of the Assembleia da República, who oversees its administration, and of the Board of Administration, which acts as both a consultative and a managerial organ.

The Board of Administration is composed of up to seven Members of the Assembleia da República representing each of the seven largest parliamentary groups, together with the Secretary-General of the Assembleia da República and a representative of the Assembleia's staff. It is chaired by the Member who represents the largest parliamentary group.

The Board of Administration particularly has the competences: to pronounce on the general management policy and the resources needed to execute it; to draw up the Assembleia da República's draft budgets, the Report and Accounts of the Assembleia da República, and draft resolutions on the organisational structure of the Assembleia's departments, on its staff roster, and on the statute governing parliamentary staff; and to exercise the financial management of the Assembleia da República.

The most essential instruments when it comes to managing the Parliament are thus the Budget and the Management Accounts. The latter set out the budgetary and financial execution for each financial year, and at the same time assess the work that has been done within the overall framework of the management of the Assembleia da Repúblicac.

Each year the Assembleia da República's draft budget is drawn up by the competent departments, under the coordination of the Secretary-General of the Assembleia da República and in accordance with the guidelines and objectives set by the Board of Administration. It must be ready at least fifteen days before the government bill on the State Budget is submitted to the Assembleia da República, so that the Plenary can pass it before it passes the State Budget itself. The Assembleia's budget can be amended by the passage of up to three supplementary budgets.

The Board of Administration prepares the annual report and management accounts by the 31st of March of the following year. They are organised by the competent departments working under the direct coordination of the Secretary-General of the Assembleia da República. The Plenary can only pass them once it has received the Audit Court's opinion on them, and so the Assembleia da República arranges for the management accounts to be sent to the Audit Court no later than the 30th of April of the next year.

The Social Balance Sheet is a privileged human resource management tool. As such, the competent departments draw it up for each calendar year, with reference to the 31st of December of the elapsed year. It contains a set of organisational indicators covering the area of the human and financial resources that are allocated to the Assembleia da República.

The staff of the various departments and services of the Assembleia da República are recruited in an open competition process, which is publicised in advance in Series 2 of the Diário da República.

The purchase and lease of goods and equipment, the purchase of services, the outsourcing of public works, and the award of contracts for public works and services by the Assembleia da República are all subject to the legislation governing public procurement. This is particularly true of the type and choice of the procedures that are to be adopted, and of the requirement to publicise them, especially by placing announcements in the Diário da República and the Official Journal of the European Union.

Departments and Services of the Assembleia da República
The departments and services of the Assembleia da República, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provide the technical support, administrative and financial management needed for the Assembleia da República to carrying out its work. They are governed by Law no. 28/2003 of 30 July 2003, the Law governing the Organisation and Modus Operandi of the Departments and Services of the Assembleia da República (LOFAR).

Anabela Leitão Cabral Ferreira

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Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

The Secretary-General of the Assembleia da República oversees and coordinates all the departments and services of the Assembleia da República. When a decision does not fall within the scope of the Secretary-General’s areas of competence, he shall refer it to the President of the Assembleia da República for the issue of an order. [Article 22 of the Law governing the Organisation and Modus Operandi of the Departments and Services of the Assembleia da República (LOFAR)]


Assistant to the Secretary-General 
Assistant to the Secretary-General
Hugo Tavares
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Assistant to the Secretary-General 
Assistant to the Secretary-General
Maria João Costa
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Telephone:  (+351) 213919216
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               ​

Adjunto do Secretário Geral 
Legal Auditor
Carlos Alberto Correia de Oliveira

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Telephone: (+351) 213919575
Postal address:​
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               
1249-068 LISBOA


1 ‐ The Legal Auditor exercises his functions in the field of legal consultation and administrative disputes.
2 ‐ In consultative matters the Legal Auditor has the competence to issue legal opinions on the subjects that are submitted to him by the President of the Assembleia da República.                        
3 ‐ In matters regarding administrative disputes the Legal Auditor has the competences:
a) To prepare draft responses to the judicial appeals in which the President of the Assembleia da República is served, supervise the respective legal proceedings and arrange any steps that need to be taken therein;
b) To do the preparatory work for investigations, inquiries or disciplinary proceedings, whenever it becomes appropriate to appoint a person with legal training for the purpose;
c) To supervise and arrange the steps that need to be taken in any other proceedings in which the Assembleia possesses an interest.
4 ‐ The office of Legal Auditor shall be exercised by an assistant attorney-general, who shall be appointed and discharged or removed from office in accordance with the Statute governing the Public Prosecutors’ Office, following consultation of the President of the Assembleia da República.
[Article 26 of LOFAR]

Parliamentary Support Directorate (DAP)

Director DAP, João Nuno Amaral 
João Nuno Amaral
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Telephone: (+351) 213917594
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976                
1249-068 LISBOA | PORTUGAL  

1 ‐ DAP is responsible for:
a) Providing specialised technical support to the President of the Assembleia da República, the Plenary, the Bureau, the Conference of Leaders, the Conference of Parliamentary Committee Chairpersons, the Standing Committee, the parliamentary committees and other parliamentary bodies within the scope of its competences;
b) Answering requests for legal clarification from Members and parliamentary groups on strictly technical aspects related to drawing up legislative initiatives;
c) Supporting Members in the scope of exercising their mandates under the terms laid down in the relevant Statute, namely by providing information on rights and duties and operationalising their implementation in the relevant areas of competence;
d) Undertaking the coordination of the organisational units that are attached to it, ensuring the effective management of resources and means for proper compliance with their competences;
e) Together with the relevant heads of division and coordinator, undertaking the strategic definition and planning of work to be carried out, specifically by drawing up management instruments such as activity reports and plans in a timely manner;
f) Together with the relevant heads of division and coordinator, coordinating and arranging the preparation of the service’s annual budget and ensuring its proper implementation;
g) Proposing to the competent bodies measures that help improve the quality of legislation and coordinating, within the scope of its competences, the implementation of the strategy set out;
h) Within its areas of competence, coordinating the definition and implementation of cooperation programmes with other Parliaments;
i) Together with DR, coordinating the drawing up of the Journal of the Assembleia da República and the preparation of other parliamentary texts with a view to their publication;
j) Coordinating and arranging the real-time loading of data into databases relating to the management of elected Members and bodies, parliamentary activity and the legislative procedure with information that it has available first hand and is within its areas of competence;
k) Coordinating with DTI the definition of parameters and operating methods for the electronic voting system and its integration into the Electronic Parliamentary Platform (BEP);
l) Coordinating with the Secretary-General of the Assembleia da República and other competent departments and services the conditions for exercising the mandate of Permanent Representative of the Assembleia da República to the European Union.
2 - DAP comprises:
     a) The Plenary Support Division (DAPLEN);
     b) The Committee Support Division (DAC);
     c) The Official Journal Division (DR);
     d) The Technical Budget Support Unit (UTAO).


Head of Division 
Plenary Support Division (DAPLEN)
Head of Division
Rafael Silva
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Telephone: (+351) 213919703
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976                
1249-068 LISBOA | PORTUGAL   

DAPLEN is responsible for:
a) Providing specialised legal and administrative support to the President of the Assembleia da República, the Plenary, the Bureau and the Standing Committee, supplying all the information and documentation needed for their work, namely debates and voting;
b) Providing specialised support to the Conference of Leaders and supplying information and documentation, namely with a view to scheduling;
c) Registering, numbering, organising and making available Government and members’ bills and draft resolutions, draft rules of procedure and deliberations, requests for the consideration of executive laws, requests, motions, votes, calls, debates and other parliamentary acts and documents;
d) Providing weekly information on requests received to carry over;
e) Keeping the information bulletin up to date in accordance with the scheduling made by the Conference of Leaders and requests received to carry over, making them available on the intranet;
f) Keeping records and putting other data into the databases of parliamentary activity with information that it has available first hand and is within its areas of competence, namely within the scope of legislative activity and scrutiny;
g) Sending to DR documents to be published in the Journal of the Assembleia da República under the terms of the Rules of Procedure;
h) Preparing and making available the schedule of plenary sittings and convening them under the terms of the Rules of Procedure;
i) Undertaking the procedure related to registering Members’ attendance and absences at the Plenary under the terms laid down in the Statute of Members, resolutions of the Assembleia da República and other applicable legal documents;
j) In cooperation with the Bureau, preparing the list of forthcoming votes to be held in the Plenary and arranging for it to be made available under the terms and within the time limits laid down in the Rules of Procedure;
k) Drawing up notes of admissibility for legislative initiatives, draft resolutions and parliamentary consideration for the President of the Assembleia da República and making them available;
l) In cooperation with the other competent departments and services, participating in the drawing up of technical notes on legislative initiatives;
m) Drawing up the draft final wording of texts approved by the Plenary and ensuring it is sent to the competent committee;
n) Arranging the preparation of deliberations, resolutions, decrees and written versions for signature by the President of the Assembleia da República and related files;
o) Undertaking the business related to sending the written versions of laws to the President of the Republic for enactment, as well as notifications regarding the approval of draft resolutions (agreements and treaties) and consent for the President of the Republic’s travel abroad;
p) Drawing up declarations of the Assembleia da República of expiry, for signature by the Secretary of the Bureau, and of rectification, appointment, resignation or substitution, for signature by the Secretary-General;
q) Undertaking day-to-day business with the National Press–National Mint (INCM) and sending laws, resolutions, declarations and rectifications for publication in the 1st series of the Diário da República.
r) Coordinating with the INCM checks on compliance regarding the publication of laws, resolutions, declarations and their rectifications;
s) Analysing the proceedings of parliamentary activity, in cooperation with other competent departments and services;
t) Monitoring and supporting the procedure related to questions to the Government and Members’ requests;
u) Informing the President and the Conference of Leaders about elections to be held and preparing, organising and monitoring all the processes for elections for President of the Assembleia da República, the Bureau and Board, as well as elections to offices in the independent administrative bodies and external bodies to which the Assembleia da República appoints members;
v) When necessary, preparing the installation documents for the bodies mentioned in the previous paragraph;
w) Providing support to Members to fill in their biographical records;
x) Keeping the lists of Members up to date, ensuring all the information it has first hand relating to Members and the exercise of their mandates is put into the relevant databases;
y) Preparing former Member and honorary Member cards, checking beforehand that the relevant legal requirements have been met;
z) Issuing certificates for the exercise of functions and for counting the length of service completed to Members and former Members that request them.


Chefe de Divisão de Apoio às Comissões 
Committee Support Division (DAC)              
Head of Division
Cristina Correia

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Telephone: (+351) 213919467
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Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

1 - DAC is responsible for:
a) Providing technical and administrative support to committees, subcommittees and working groups for processes relating to the legislative and oversight activities that are entrusted to them;
b) In cooperation with the competent departments and services, coordinating and participating in the drawing up of technical notes on legislative initiatives;
c) Providing specialised support to the Conference of Parliamentary Committee Chairpersons;
d) Preparing and supporting participation in specific multilateral parliamentary meetings;
e) In cooperation with the competent departments and services, organising seminars, conferences and other events that are to be held within the scope of specific competences of parliamentary committees;
f) Monitoring committee delegations on inter-parliamentary meetings and visits and drawing up the related reports;
g) Registering, numbering and organising the files regarding petitions and performing the related triage;
h) Providing support in the consideration of petitions addressed to the Assembleia da República, namely by preparing the corresponding notes of admissibility, monitoring the obligatory hearings of petitioners and providing support in drawing up draft interim and final reports;
i) Providing support to attendees at committee meetings, hearings and audiences with citizens and other bodies received by committees, subcommittees and working groups, particularly within the scope of discussing legislative initiatives;
j) Forwarding and dealing with all the paperwork addressed to committees, subcommittees and working groups created within their scope, as well as paperwork sent by them, specifically by drawing up opinions and technical information on their content and framework and proposing appropriate replies;
k) Undertaking the invitation of Members that are members of commissions, subcommittees and working groups and arranging the distribution of information regarding meetings;
l) Providing technical support, namely legal support, when so requested by Members of parliamentary groups, on technical aspects related to drawing up legislative initiatives;
m) Performing the collection and registering of Members’ attendance at committee and subcommittee meetings, carrying out the relevant notification and justification processes under the legal terms applicable;
n) In cooperation with DR, undertaking the recording of committee and subcommittee meetings and notifying which proceedings should be transcribed a posteriori;
o) Monitoring the preparation and execution of committees’ budgets and providing them with up-to-date information on budgets;
p) Drawing up the minutes, summaries, reports and opinions requested from it;
q) Undertaking the uploading and updating of the parliamentary committees’ pages on the internet and intranet;
r) Carrying out real-time data inputting into all fields in the databases relating to parliamentary activity and the legislative procedure with information that it has available first hand and is within the scope of its competences;
s) In cooperation with DAPLEN, sending legislative initiatives and respective components for scheduling in the Plenary, specifically on matters of voting;
t) In cooperation with DILP, undertaking the publicising and checking of statistical and analytical information relating to the parliamentary committees’ activities;
2 - Within the area of monitoring and scrutinising European matters, DAC is particularly responsible for:
a) Coordinating support for the scrutiny process for European legislative and non-legislative initiatives;
b) Undertaking the Assembleia da República’s participation in the European Union’s inter-parliamentary cooperation platform (IPEX), as well as constantly updating information on the respective web page;
c) Supporting Members’ participation in European Union meetings, specifically the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC), the Inter-parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy, the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union and the EUROPOL Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group;
d) Coordinating the tasks of the Permanent Representative of the Assembleia da República to the European Union in Brussels with the parliamentary committees and, in particular, with the committee competent for European affairs.


Fernando Marques Pereira 
Official Journal Division (DR)        
Head of Division
Fernando Marques Pereira

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Telephone:  (+351) 213917162  
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Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               


DR is responsible for:
a) In cooperation with the Bureau of the Assembleia da República, undertaking the timely electronic publication of the 1st and 2nd series of the Journal of the Assembleia da República and guaranteeing its dissemination;
b) Converting the full record of plenary sittings and parliamentary committee of inquiry meetings into text so they can be transcribed and published in the Journal of the Assembleia da República and, whenever necessary, doing the same for meetings of other parliamentary bodies, carrying out a literary review and drawing up the respective summaries;
c) Receiving, compiling, checking for precision, ordering, harmonising and preparing for production the documents that should be included in the 2nd series of the Journal of the Assembleia da República;
d) Performing the correction of imprecisions published in any of the series of the Journal of the Assembleia da República;
e) Carrying out real-time data inputting into all fields in the databases relating to parliamentary activity with information that it has available first hand and is within its areas of competence;

Profile image 
Technical Budget Support Unit (UTAO)
Rui Nuno Baleiras
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Telephone: (+351) 213914120
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA   

UTAO is responsible for drawing up studies and technical working documents on public budgetary and financial management, performing:
a) The technical analysis of Government bills on the State Budget and amendments thereto;
b) The technical assessment of the General State Accounts;
c) The technical monitoring of budget execution in public accounting and national accounting;
d) The technical analysis of revisions of the Stability and Growth Programme or equivalent document for the medium-term budget programme;
e) The assessment and monitoring of public-private partnership, concession and financial rebalancing contracts concluded by any public body, specifically the costs arising from the contracts, the negotiation process, amendments to the contracts and the fulfilment thereof;
f) The technical studying of the budgetary impact of legislative initiatives that the President of the Assembleia da República decides to submit to it on his or her own initiative or following a request by the competent parliamentary committee;
g) The technical monitoring of public debt, debts contracted and investment made by bodies in the public administration sector;
h) Such other work as the parliamentary committee competent for budgetary and financial matters orders the UTAO to engage in, or that the the President of the Assembleia da República or other parliamentary committees submit to it.

Information and Culture Directorate (DIC)

Diretor DIC 
José Manuel Araújo
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Telephone: (+351) 213917050
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Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA   


1 - DIC is responsible for:
a) Undertaking the coordination of the organisational units that are attached to it, ensuring the effective management of resources and means for proper compliance with their competences;
b) Together with the relevant heads of division, undertaking the strategic definition and planning of work to be carried out, specifically by drawing up management instruments such as activity reports and plans in a timely manner;
c) Together with the relevant heads of division, coordinating and arranging the preparation of the departments and services’ annual budget and ensuring its proper implementation;
d) Within its areas of competence, coordinating the definition and implementation of cooperation programmes with other Parliaments;
e) Guaranteeing technical and logistical support for the parliamentary body in charge of cultural affairs.
2 - DIC comprises the following divisions:
a) The Legislative and Parliamentary Information Division (DILP);
b) The Library (BIB);
c) The Parliamentary Historical Archives (AHP);
d) The Publications Division (DE);
e) The Museum and Citizenship Division (DMC).

Fernando Marques Pereira 
Legislative and Parliamentary Information Division (DILP)
Head of Division
Nuno Amorim

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Telephone: (+351) 213917179
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA  


DILP is responsible for:
a) In cooperation with the other departments and services involved, undertaking the administration and loading of data into databases relating to legislative and parliamentary activity;
b) Processing, disseminating and recovering information relating to legislative and parliamentary activity;
c) Supporting the Bureau of the Assembleia da República in preparing activity reports at the end of each legislative session and legislature;
d) Supporting the parliamentary committees and the Conference of Parliamentary Committee Chairpersons in drawing up the progress report on the approval and entry into force of laws and subsequent regulations at the beginning of each legislative session, as well as other reports within the scope of the process to improve monitoring of the application of laws and scrutiny of the activity of the Government and the Public Administration;
e) Cooperating in the preparation of legislative compilations in the parliamentary committees’ areas of work;
f) Systematising and updating structural legislation on parliamentary activity;
g) In cooperation with the other competent organisational units, participating in drawing up technical notes for legislative initiatives;
h) Supporting theAssembleia da República’s work in the area of legislative and parliamentary information, organising, for this purpose, information and comparative law dossiers, information notes and other study instruments that help the Parliament’s bodies and departments and services;
i) Drawing up, producing and disseminating information products containing summaries, analyses and comparative frameworks in the field of legislative and parliamentary activity;
j) Ensuring access to external national and foreign information systems, networks and databases and those belonging to European Union institutions and bodies of a legal nature, in cooperation with the competent departments and services;
k) Undertaking the Assembleia da República’s participation in the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD);
l) Satisfying requests for information from parliamentary groups, offices and other Assembleia da República users in the field of national and foreign parliamentary legislative activity, as well as requests from counterpart foreign organisations, foreign and international institutions and even national institutions in the field of parliamentary activity.

Paula Granada  
Library (BIB)
Maria João Amante

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Telephone:  (+351) 21391912407
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132, 4.º
1200-651 LISBOA


BIB is responsible for:
a) Acquiring, processing and disseminating bibliographic, scientific and technical information in the different areas of knowledge, from abroad or international organisations, that is pertinent to parliamentary activity;
b) Managing the Library’s bibliographic collection and ensuring its conservation and preservation;
c) Managing the content of library management databases and other databases within the scope of its activity;
d) In cooperation with the other competent organisational units, participating in drawing up technical notes for legislative initiatives;
e) Drawing up, producing and disseminating information products on matters of interest to parliamentary activity, specifically regarding the web pages of the parliamentary committees;
f) Carrying out all the procedures necessary to acquiring documentary items in accordance with users’ needs;
g) Acquiring and disseminating information produced by national and, possibly, local, regional and international media bodies that is considered to be of interest to carrying out the Assembleia da República’s activities;
h) Arranging and cooperating in activities to disseminate the Assembleia da República’s bibliographic heritage, specifically regarding ancient books;
i) Cooperating with other national and foreign institutions to share information;
j) Preserving and making available the printed collection of the Journal of the Assembleia da República and the Diário da República.

Manuela Magalhães  
Parliamentary Historical Archives (AHP)
Manuela Magalhães

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Telephone: (+351) 213917584
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

1 - AHP is responsible for:
a) Undertaking the management of the Assembleia da República’s paperwork;
b) Supporting the organisation of the current archives of the departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
c) Defining methods that optimise the Assembleia da República’s document management, drawing up the instruments necessary to creating and implementing methods that increase the efficiency of document production, processing and archiving;
d) Incorporating documents produced by the departments and services at the end of each legislature or arising from the administrative, legal or probative time limits stipulated in the regulations for managing archive documents and the related table for document selection;
e) Arranging the organisation and description of documents in its care;
f) Ensuring the conservation of all documents, in all media formats, preventing them from being physically degraded, misplaced or made unavailable, by using preservation plans;
g) Managing the photographic archive, cataloguing images and their media;
h) Managing access to documents in any media format and the communication of information transmitted by them that are in its care;
i) Arranging and cooperating in the dissemination of archive heritage;
j) Promoting donations of documents relating to parliamentary activity;
k) Guaranteeing, following the policy defined by the Assembleia da República and applicable legislation, the safety of documents in its care and of the information contained therein.

Teresa Paulo  
Publications Division (DE)
Head of Division
Teresa Paulo

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Telephone: (+351)
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132, 4.º
1200-651 LISBOA

DE is responsible for:
a) Proposing, planning and executing all processes relating to the Assembleia da República’s publications on the Parliament’s activity, history and heritage, guaranteeing their scientific and editorial quality and suitability for different audiences;
b) Taking care of the Assembleia da República’s graphic image, carrying out the design work necessary to support events and parliamentary publications;
c) Acquiring, receiving, storing, distributing, marketing and managing stocks of publications and items referring to the Assembleia da República;
d) Undertaking the management and running of the Parliamentary Bookshop;
e) Undertaking the dissemination of the Assembleia da República’s publications, specifically by participating in book fairs;
f) Guaranteeing the reserved proprietary rights of the Assembleia da República’s publications;
g) Organising launch ceremonies for books published by the Assembleia da República or by external publishers when it involves marketing.           

Cristina Ribeiro  
Museum and Citizenship Division (DMC)
Head of Division
Catarina Romão Gonçalves

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Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132, 4.º
1200-651 LISBOA


DMC is responsible for:
a) Promoting and organising tours of São Bento Palace;
b) Organising thematic exhibitions together with other departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
c) Promoting the research and dissemination of the history, activity and artistic and architectural heritage of the Assembleia da República;
d) Proposing the acquisition of works of art that enrich or illustrate the history of parliamentarianism;
e) Proposing preventative and curative conservation measures for the Assembleia da República’s art and museum heritage;
f) Cooperating with DAPAT in updating the general inventory of assets relating to art heritage and objects of historical value;
g) Making information available relating to the Assembleia da República's art and heritage collection;
h) Organising and running a citizens’ welcome and information centre.  


Administrative and Financial Services Directorate (DAF)

image profile  
Susana Oliveira Martins
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Telephone: (+351) 213917041 
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA   


1 - DAF is responsible for:
a) Arranging the adoption of work techniques, methods and processes that guarantee the implementation of action principles, instruments and management criteria applicable to the departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
b) Undertaking the management of human, financial and asset-related resources;
c) Arranging the drawing up of draft budgets of the Assembleia da República and the related execution, account and report;
d) Undertaking the coordination of the organisational units that are attached to it, ensuring the effective management of resources and means for proper compliance with their competences;
e) Together with the relevant heads of division, undertaking the strategic definition and planning of work to be carried out, specifically by drawing up management instruments such as activity reports and plans in a timely manner;
f) Together with the relevant heads of division, coordinating and arranging the preparation of the service’s annual budget and ensuring its proper implementation;
g) Within its areas of competence, coordinating the definition and implementation of cooperation and exchange programmes with other Parliaments;
h) Coordinating and proposing the optimisation of the integrated management system for the administrative and financial field in use by the Assembleia da República, together with the relevant heads of division and in cooperation with DTI;
i) Implementing a system for the application of rules governing hygiene, health and safety at work;
j) Undertaking the processing of remuneration and other allowances and related contributions;
k) Administering social security and complementary social action schemes;
l) Undertaking the management and maintenance of premises, facilities and equipment and the fleet of vehicles;
m) Undertaking and supporting the acquisition of goods and services and the performance of works projects, carrying out the necessary contractual procedures, as well as the execution of the ensuing contracts.
2 - DAF comprises:
a) The Human Resources and Training Division (DRHF);
b) The Financial Management Division (DGF);
c) The Procurement and Property Division (DAPAT);
d) The Medical and Nursing Unit (GME).

Head of Division  
Human Resources and Training Division (DRHF)
Head of Division
Nuno Santos e Silva

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Telephone:  (+351)213917021
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132, 4.º
1200-651 LISBOA

DRHF is responsible for undertaking the technical and administrative procedures relating to human resource management, and, in particular:
a) Arranging recruitment, selection, acceptance, hiring, promotion, progression and termination of legal employment relationships with the Parliament;
b) Welcoming parliamentary staff accepted on a probationary regime, namely by collecting and processing the data needed to start working at the Assembleia da República, as well as performing actions to integrate them into the different services and cooperating with managers and mentors for the relevant probationary periods;
c) Updating information relating to parliamentary staff and other workers that exercise functions in the bodies and departments and services of the Assembleia da República, proposing mechanisms appropriate to the best possible harnessing and enhancement of human resources, arranging the surveys, inquiries and studies necessary for that purpose;
d) Informing and giving opinions on issues relating to the Statute governing Parliamentary Staff, in particular, as well as on issues relating to the legal system applicable to parliamentary staff and other workers that, regardless of the type of employment and the formation of the legal employment relationship, exercise functions in the bodies and departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
e) Initiating and monitoring occupational illnesses and accidents at work and cooperating, in this field, with GME in monitoring parliamentary staff and other workers that exercise functions at the Assembleia da República;
f) Undertaking the processing of matters related to records and attendance, as well as those relating to study allowances and other allowances and financial, welfare, ADSE and social security contributions for parliamentary staff and other workers that exercise functions in the bodies and departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
g) Arranging the registration and regularisation of Members as beneficiaries of the social security system that they have the right to use;
h) Arranging and monitoring performance evaluation;
i) Drawing up the social report;
j) Issuing ID cards and free transit cards for parliamentary and office staff;
k) Developing function and needs analysis studies with the aim of setting up a forecast-based human resources system, career plans, job descriptions, guidelines for mobility between departments and services and a diagnosis of the Assembleia da República’s human potential;
l) Studying, proposing and implementing human resource management and quality policies;
m) In cooperation with GME and DAPAT, arranging for a system for applying hygiene, health and safety at work rules;
n) Managing registrations for the crèche of the Assembleia da República and ensuring its proper functioning, specifically by overseeing the quality of the services provided, food and facilities;
o) Arranging the publicising of internal rules and all the information to be disseminated by the departments and services, as well as publication in the 2nd series of the Diário da República of acts that have external force;
p) Supervising parliamentary operations assistants, except for those assigned to visitors’ entrances;
q) Drawing up diagnoses of training needs and designing and implementing the training policy;
r) Organising necessary training actions by developing and qualifying human resources, modernising and promoting the efficiency of parliamentary departments and services and enhancing and motivating parliamentary staff and other workers that exercise functions in the bodies and departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
s) Arranging specific training courses for the theoretical component of the probational period for entering careers at the Assembleia da República;
t) Supporting the Secretary-General in issues relating to employment relations and the related applicable legal system and, in this context, in relations with the Union of Parliamentary Staff.

Susana Oliveira Martins  
Financial Management Division (DGF)
Head of Division
Hélder Barreto

Send  e-mail
Telephone: (+351) 213917010
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132, 4.º
1200-651 LISBOA

DGF is responsible for:
a) Drawing up the draft annual budget of the Assembleia da República, supplementary budgets and budget amendments, with contributions from the different departments and services;
b) Proposing the unblocking of funds under the terms of the law in force;
c) Executing the revenue and expense budget, carrying out the accounting records needed on the computerised management system used;
d) Defining and applying control procedures during all stages of the budget execution, checking the relevant legality and efficiency and arranging the related corrections;
e) Drawing up charts and issuing reports on execution suitable to the necessary management control, cooperating in defining the related indicators;
f) Preparing the accounts of the Assembleia da República and related report;
g) Sending financial information within the scope of execution and the accounts in physical or electronic format under the terms of the legislation in force;
h) Performing financial management, proposing the implementation of new measures and keeping the procedures handbook up to date;
i) Arranging the adoption and managing the application of accounting standardisation systems;
j) Undertaking management of the cash flow, collecting revenue and paying budgeted, authorised expenses;
k) Sending requests for the release of funds to be transferred from the State Budget;
l) Proposing the assignment of operating funds and managing their monthly replenishment;
m) Processing the allowances and remuneration of Members, staff and other workers who exercise functions at the Assembleia da República, as well as staff of parliamentary groups, under the terms requested by them and within the limits of the legislation in force;
n) Processing public subsidies for political parties, parliamentary groups and related to election campaigns under the terms of the legislation in force;
o) Processing the transfer of funds to independent bodies that have their budgets included in the budget of the Assembleia da República under the terms requested by them;
p) Processing the allowances and remuneration of members and staff of independent bodies that have their budgets included in the budget of the Assembleia da República, as well as executing said budgets under the terms requested by them and the legislation in force;
q) Sending information regarding the processing of allowances and remuneration in physical or electronic format under the terms of the legislation in force;
r) Controlling cash-flow movements and carrying out bank reconciliation each month;
s) Issuing invoices and undue payment documents and ensuring payment is collected;
t) Dealing with day-to-day paperwork relating to the issuing of certificates, declarations or payslips relating to the payment of allowances and the delivery of contributions;
u) Issuing opinions and organising the files for allocating transitional reintegration subsidies and lifetime monthly subsidies to Members of the Assembleia da República, and sending those related to the monthly subsidy to the Caixa Geral de Aposentações;.

Head of Division Procurement and Property Division  
Procurement and Property Division (DAPAT) Head of Division
Cristina Garrido

Send e-mail
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA


DAPAT is responsible for:
a) Undertaking procedures for concluding contracts for the hiring, acquisition and concession of goods and services and works projects to be carried out by the Assembleia da República;
b) Drawing up studies that, using management indicators, make it possible to improve procedures and optimise management of procurement at the Assembleia da República, specifically by way of methods, formulas and procedures that ensure the most economically advantageous proposals for acquisitions and storage are chosen, by way of a suitable analysis of life cycle, stock rotation, cost-benefit and quality analyses, and also determining environmental impacts, without prejudice to the laws in effect for this purpose;
c) Managing and updating the requisitions system, which boosts the efficiency and rationalisation of resource management by centralising and integrating needs for goods, services and works projects of all the departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
d) Undertaking the management of supplies, specifically satisfying requisitions for everyday materials, equipment and maintenance of assets;
e) Undertaking the management of the Assembleia da República’s movable and immovable assets, except for works of art and IT assets, arranging their maintenance and ensuring that the different users employ them effectively, responsibly and sustainably;
f) Proposing that items which are unnecessary, salvaged, scrap or waste be disposed of from the perspective of integrated management of social and environmental policy measures;
g) Coordinating and keeping updated the general inventory of the Assembleia da República’s movable and immovable assets under the terms of the applicable legislation;
h) Undertaking the correct storage of everyday goods and equipment supplied, guaranteeing proper and effective management of storerooms in accordance with the existing regulations;
i) Preparing asset information to be sent to DGF;
j) Developing architecture and engineering projects for improving the Assembleia da República’s immovable assets;
k) Arranging and managing legal proceedings and all the tasks inherent to the execution of works;
l) Managing and ensuring the quality and efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical wiring, gardening, cleaning, lifts, fire detection and extinction systems, catering, surveillance and security equipment and other electromechanical equipment and systems;
m) Monitoring the execution of the Assembleia da República’s contracts in such a way as to guarantee their rationalisation, economic efficiency and quality of service;
n) Coordinating the flow of post, obtaining the corresponding expense documents, drawing up the applicable charts and forwarding them to DGF;
o) Centrally managing insurance policies taken out by the Assembleia da República;
p) Establishing consumption indicators that enable the service to control the procurement needs for everyday goods following an approach of rationalisation and sufficiency;
q) In collaboration with GME and DRHF, adopting and applying rules on hygiene, health and safety at work;
r) Managing the fleet of vehicles, ensuring it is maintained and defining indicators on use;
s) Guaranteeing the logistical preparation of rooms for national and international meetings and other activities of the Assembleia da República;
t) Studying and proposing organisational management measures from the perspective of continually improving the Assembleia da República’s environmental performance.

image profile  
Medical and Nursing Unit (GME)
Fernando José Ribeiro Leitão​
Marlene Margarida Caldeira Fernandes

Telephone: (+351) 213917000 - Ext. 11699​
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

1 - GME is responsible for:
a) Undertaking medical appointments and providing medical and nursing care;
b) Performing periodic medical examinations for parliamentary staff and other workers that exercise functions in the bodies, services and parliamentary groups of the Assembleia da República;
c) Monitoring cases of work-related illnesses and accidents;
d) Participating in the supervision of environmental conditions, hygiene, health and safety at work.

International and Public Relations and Protocol Directorate (DRIPP)

Diretor DIC  
Rita Ferreira

Send e-mail                                                       
Telephone: (+351) 213919417
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976                

1 - DRIPP is responsible for:
a) Coordinating the organisational units that are attached to it, guided by principles of appropriate distribution of human and material resources, within the scope of the competences that are assigned to it;
b) Together with the relevant heads of division, undertaking the strategic definition and planning of work to be carried out, specifically by drawing up management instruments such as activity reports and plans in a timely manner;
c) Together with the heads of division, coordinating and arranging the preparation of the service’s annual budget and ensuring its proper implementation;
d) Ensuring compliance with the strategic objectives that are set within the scope of its competences;
e) Providing advice and assistance to the President of theAssembleia da República in the field of international relations, as well as protocol assistance for the official acts of the Assembleia da República;
f) Coordinating and promoting, within the scope of parliamentary diplomacy, the adoption of best practices that guarantee specialised technical support for delegations and representations of the Assembleia da República, as well as the proper execution of bilateral and multilateral cooperation plans established;
g) Coordinating and organising official visits to the Assembleia da República, in cooperation with the competent departments and services and with external bodies;
h) Organising and coordinating official ceremonies of the Assembleia da República;
i) Coordinating the public relations activities performed by the Assembleia da República or by external bodies;
j) Ensuring the proper management of procedures in the scope of executing contracts relating to its activity, specifically to supply transport and accommodation for official missions;
k) Providing the translation and interpretation service.
2 - DRIPP comprises:
a) The International Relations and Cooperation Division (DRIC);
b) The Public Relations and Protocol Division (DRPP).

João de Campos Coelho  
International Relations and Cooperation Division (DRIC)
Head of Division
João de Campos Coelho

Send e-mail 
Telephone: (+351) 213919176             
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I - 128-132
1200-651 LISBOA

DRIC is responsible for:
a) Selecting, analysing, producing and disseminating information on the Assembleia da República’s international and inter-parliamentary activities;
b) Providing specialised technical support and secretariat support to delegations or representations of the Assembleia da República;
c) Advising and assisting heads and members of the Assembleia da República’s permanent delegations to international parliamentary organisations;
d) Providing specialised technical support and secretariat support to parliamentary friendship groups;
e) Arranging, organising and coordinating plans for parliamentary cooperation, in cooperation with the competent departments and services, in order to jointly implement the different activities laid down therein, whenever possible;
f) Organising, in cooperation with DRPP, the programmes of international parliamentary meetings held in Portugal;
g) Organising and providing specialised technical support within the scope of official visits to the Assembleia da República by foreign representations, delegations or bodies, in cooperation with the competent departments and services, as well as with external bodies;
h) Managing contracts relating to the provision of travel and accommodation services within the scope of official missions abroad and evaluating the quality and efficiency of those services;
i) Carrying out the processes necessary to obtain diplomatic and special passports and visas;
j) Supporting the holding of inter-parliamentary training activities, namely organising actions that are designed to promote cooperation with the Parliaments of Portuguese-speaking countries.

Manuela Azóia  
Public Relations and Protocol Division (DRPP)
Head of Division
Manuela Azóia

Send e-mail 
Telephone: (+351) 213917558            
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

DRPP is responsible for:
a) Undertaking the protocol acts requested by the President of the Assembleia da República and the Bureau;
b) Undertaking the protocol for parliamentary activities at social, cultural and other events of the Assembleia da República;
c) Organising solemn plenary sittings and other official ceremonies;
d) In cooperation with the competent departments and services, organising and accompanying official visits to the Assembleia da República by parliamentary delegations or other delegations or foreign guests, as well as senior dignitaries;
e) Providing all the support needed by parliamentary committees and delegations representing the Assembleia da República while they are travelling in Portugal, namely as regards transport and accommodation;
f) Within its areas of competence, organising conferences, seminars, events or other meetings, whether national or international in scope, that are held by the Assembleia da República or external bodies;
g) Ensuring senior dignitaries at Assembleia da República initiatives are accompanied, under the terms of the Law on the Order of Precedence of the Protocol of the Portuguese State in accordance with the criteria in force;
h) Providing reception services for the public in general and organising public relations activities addressed at citizens, social agents and national or foreign institutions;
i) Providing interpretation services at acts of the Assembleia da República when requested by the Parliament’s bodies and departments and services;
j) Managing contracts relating to the acquisition of passenger transport services in motor vehicles with drivers for official trips in Portuguese territory and photographic reporting services for official acts of the Assembleia da Repúblicac, and evaluating the quality and efficiency of those services;
k) In cooperation with the Security Service, dealing with citizens’ access to São Bento Palace, ensuring they are welcomed and identified, with their guidance remaining the responsibility of the body receiving them.

Information Technology Directorate (DTI)

image profile  
Pedro Gonçalves Marques Pereira

Se​nd e-m​ail
Telephone: (+351) 213917060
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976                

DTI is responsible for:
a) Defining, planning, standardising and supervising the overall architecture of the Assembleia da República Information System (SIAR), which includes all equipment, networks, systems, applications and data, irrespective of their physical location, as well as all the equipment of the parliamentary groups and independent administrative bodies that are the property of the Assembleia da República. In the case of the latter, the specific nature of these bodies, particularly the independence of the exercise of their competences, is safeguarded;
b) Undertaking the development, evolution, and continuous availability and operation of the SIAR;
c) Surveying the needs for information and communication technology and proposing solutions to meet them;
d) In close cooperation with all the bodies and departments and services of the Assembleia da República, providing technological solutions that help automate, reduce bureaucracy and simplify parliamentary proceedings;
e) Helping SIAR users, ensuring the organisation and operation of a technical support service for users;
f) Within its areas of competence, supporting the holding of conferences, seminars, video conferences and other events;
g) Arranging the effective dissemination of the services provided and how IT equipment and solutions are used;
h) In cooperation with the service responsible, arranging for training actions to be held aimed at IT technicians and other users within the scope of the technological solutions provided;
i) Arranging and proposing the implementation of the measures necessary to guaranteeing technical support for the IT solutions at the Assembleia da República;
j) Undertaking the coordination of the organisational units that are attached to it, ensuring the effective management of resources and means for proper compliance with their competences;
k) Together with the relevant heads of division, undertaking the strategic definition and planning of work to be carried out, specifically by drawing up management instruments such as activity reports and plans in a timely manner;
l) Together with the relevant heads of division, coordinating and promoting the preparation of the departments and services’ annual budget and ensuring its proper implementation;
m) Within its areas of competence, coordinating the definition and implementation of cooperation programmes with other Parliaments;
2 - DTI comprises:
a) The Technology Infrastructure Division (DIT);
b) The Information Systems Division (DSI).

Jorge Félix  
Technology Infrastructure Division (DIT)
Head of Division
Pedro Nascimento

Send e-mail
Telephone: (+351) 213917552                          
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

DIT is responsible for:
a) Designing, proposing, implementing, managing, maintaining and monitoring the Assembleia da República’s IT and communications system infrastructure;
b) Undertaking the effective management and maintenance of the Assembleia da República’s IT material, including all equipment and data and voice communications systems;
c) Ensuring the evolution of the Assembleia da República’s IT and communications system infrastructure in order to provide new technological solutions;
d) Designing, proposing, implementing, managing and maintaining the session chamber IT system (BEP);
e) Designing, proposing, implementing, managing and maintaining the electronic voting system in close cooperation with DAP, ensuring that it is integrated into the BEP system;
f) Carrying out the studies needed to define technical characteristics with a view to acquiring IT equipment and technological support solutions;
g) Undertaking the technical management of procedures relating to the qualified digital signature certificates of users in the Assembleia da República’s IT network;
h) Issuing Member of the Assembleia da República’s cards with the relevant qualified digital signature certificate;
i) Guaranteeing the security, preservation and recovery of digital information, in close cooperation with the competent departments and services and parliamentary groups, in accordance with the digital preservation policy defined;
j) Defining and promoting the use of rules, common procedures and documentation relating to information security, products and equipment, within the scope of its competences;
k) Guaranteeing the management and technological updating of the Assembleia da República Data Processing Centre;
l) Developing and maintaining technological solutions designed to enhance mobility and remote use of the SIAR.

Nuno França  
Information Systems Division (DSI)
Head of Division
Ricardo Costa Santos

Send e-​mail
Telephone: (+351) 213910863                         
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

DSI is responsible for:
a) Proposing, developing, implementing and maintaining applications and information systems that support the Assembleia da República's activity, in close cooperation with the other departments and services;
b) Promoting enhanced integration and optimisation of the logical architecture of the SIAR with the aim of increasing the effectiveness and efficient management of existing resources;
c) Designing, proposing and implementing measures that work towards the evolution and technological modernisation of existing applications;
d) Proposing and implementing technological solutions that help reduce bureaucracy, simplify parliamentary proceedings and increase the effectiveness of the departments and services of the Assembleia da República;
e) Ensuring the proper functioning and continuous availability of the intranet and the Parliament’s website and the introduction of improvements, in close cooperation with the competent departments and services;
f) Designing and implementing support databases for the SIAR;
g) Administering SIAR data, in close cooperation with the other departments and services;
h) Within the scope of its competences, defining and arranging the use of common rules and procedures within the framework of information security and data protection;
i) Ensuring interoperability with national and foreign, internal and external information systems;
j) Developing the measures necessary to make public information available in open, reusable formats.

Control and Audit Office (GCA)

Diretor GCA  
Fernando Paulo Gonçalves
Send e-mail                                                    
Telephone: (+351)213917154
Postal address:
Av. D. Carlos I, 128 - 132


GCA is responsible for:
1 - GCA supervises and controls the budget execution and economic, financial, asset-related and accounting situation of the departments and services of the Assembleia da República and independent administrative bodies with mere administrative autonomy that operate under the aegis of the Assembleia da República.
2 - In the exercise of its responsibilities, GCA is responsible for:
a) Proposing and assessing the adoption of internal financial control systems and procedures, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions;
b) Proposing that periodic auditing actions be conducted in order to check compliance with the internal rules and legality of the respective acts and procedures, drawing up the related reports and suggesting, in the conclusions thereof, the preventative and corrective measures that prove themselves to be necessary and appropriate;
c) Whenever necessary, monitoring the audits of the Assembleia da República and independent administrative bodies by the Court of Auditors;
d) Monitoring the process of drawing up the budget of the Assembleia da República and the budgets of the independent administrative bodies;
e) Drawing up opinions that are requested of it by hierarchical superiors in the scope of its competences and providing information about the different processes in which it is involved;
f) Drawing up annual monitoring and control reports, namely on the level of compliance with recommendations made.

Communication Office (GC)

Diretor Communication Office  
Francisco Feio
Send e-mail                                                      
Telephone: (+351) 213919041
Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

1 - Under the terms of Resolution of the Assembleia da República no. 148/2017 of 13 July 2017 (Regime governing the Parliament Channel, the Assembleia da República website and institutional presence on social networks), GC is responsible for:
a) Proposing the Assembleia da República’s communication strategy, which raises awareness of the Parliament and its activity, encouraging citizen participation;
b) Stimulating the involvement of all parliamentary bodies and services in implementing that strategy;
c) Supporting bodies and departments and services in promoting the Assembleia da República’s institutional image;
d) Undertaking the organisation of content and the management and graphics of the Assembleia da República’s internet and intranet sites, always keeping them up to date;
e) Ensuring that an information bulletin is made available on the Assembleia da República’s internet website containing the order of business and other information on parliamentary activity;
f) In cooperation with the competent bodies and departments and services, undertaking the Assembleia da República’s participation on social networks;
g) Proposing and implementing, in cooperation with the other departments and services, actions to provide information to citizens;
h) Promoting and organising all actions relating to carrying out the “Young People’s Parliament Programme” in cooperation with the competent parliamentary committee;
i) Undertaking the production of a newsletter;
j) Providing media bodies with all the support needed for them to pursue their mission and arranging the dissemination of the Assembleia da República's activity by way of media bodies;
k) Coordinating the preparation of answers to the media’s questions, in cooperation with the departments and services and offices competent for the matter in question, and keeping the computerised records of those answers up to date;
l) Undertaking the management, exploration and maintenance of the Parliament Channel’s technological platforms and systems;
m) Managing the audiovisual archives for the Parliament Channel’s work;
n) Fully recording plenary sittings, as well as committee meetings, so they can be broadcast on the Parliament Channel and other platforms at the Assembleia da República’s disposal;
o) Providing the technical and logistical support for the Boards of the Parliament Channel, the Assembleia da República’s internet website and the Assembleia da República’s institutional presence on social networks;
p) Undertaking the management, exploration and maintenance of the audio system, multimedia projection system and technical support for the time monitoring system, in cooperation with DAPLEN and the DAC, as well as the maintenance of all the equipment that is part of those systems;
q) Making the full recordings of plenary sittings and committee meetings available in order for them to be transcribed and published in the Journal of the Assembleia da República;
r) Arranging sign language interpretation for speeches made in plenary sittings, parliamentary committee meetings and working group meetings and also at parliamentary activities or events held at the Assembleia da República, when deemed relevant.

Security Service


Security Officer
Marcelo Pessoa
téléphone: (+351) 213919497
Postal address:

Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               

Deputy Security Officer
Eduardo Mendes

téléphone: (+351) 213917374

Postal address:
Palácio de S. Bento
Praça da Constituição de 1976               
1 ‐ The Security Service is the organisational structure that is especially charged with prevention, control, surveillance, protection and defence of the Assembleia da República’s premises and property, its departments and services and the people who exercise their functions or are present there.
2 - The Security Service is particularly responsible for:
a) Carrying out surveillance of the premises of the Assembleia da República and ensuring the physical security of Members, members of the Government, senior dignitaries and authorities, parliamentary staff, parliamentary group staff, and all those who visit or provide services or are based at the aforementioned premises, whatever their role;
b) Controlling the access, movements, continuance and departure of visitors, non-accredited journalists and professionals who have to visit the Assembleia da República within the scope of their functions;
c) Ensuring that the aforementioned persons use the visitor’s badge issued to them at the entrance and display it prominently;
d) Restricting the use of the Assembleia da República’s car parks to authorised vehicles only;
e) In cooperation with the competent departments and services of the Assembleia da República, coordinating fire prevention and fire-fighting, as well as other situations which might endanger or cause damage to persons and premises.

View the
organi​sational chart of the departments and services.