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Nota de apoio à navegação

Nesta página encontra 2 elementos auxiliares de navegação: motor de busca (tecla de atalho 1) | Saltar para o conteúdo (tecla de atalho 2)
Parliamentary Friendship Groups

The Parliamentary Friendship Groups (PFG) are bodies whose vocation is to engage in dialogue and cooperation with the parliaments of the countries that are friends of Portugal. They are responsible, among others things, for promoting the actions needed to intensify relations with parliaments and parliamentarians from other countries, particularly regarding the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the exchange of information and mutual consultations, with a view to the possible articulation of positions in international interparliamentary bodies or the dissemination and promotion of common interests in the political, economic, social and cultural fields.

The PFGs occupy a prominent position in the Assembleia da República's external action, concerning the development of parliamentary diplomacy.

Each PFG has a multiparty composition and should reflect the composition of the Assembleia da República.


How PFGs are formed

The list of parliamentary friendship groups is established at the beginning of each legislature, upon a proposal from the President of the Assembleia da República, who shall first consult the Conference of Leaders.

Whenever the case so warrants, and again upon a proposal from the President of the Assembleia da República, who shall first consult the Conference of Leaders, the Plenary shall decide whether to create other parliamentary friendship  groups or to terminate or suspend the operation of existing parliamentary friendship groups. 

Parliamentary friendship groups can only be set up with countries with which Portugal maintains diplomatic relations and which have parliamentary institutions, and reciprocity must be ensured through the existence of a similar friendship group. ​


Activities of PFGs

The PFGs draw up an annual programme of activities and an annual report on their activities, which they submit to the President of the Assembleia da República for approval and of which they inform the parliamentary standing committee responsible for foreign affairs.