Bem-vindo à página oficial da Assembleia da República

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The Assembleia da República is currently made up of 230 Members elected by direct, universal suffrage of all Portuguese citizens who are registered to vote, be it in Portuguese territory or abroad. Members of the Assembleia da República represent the whole country, rather than just the constituencies for which they were elected. The Members’ term of office starts with the first sitting of the Assembleia da República following the elections and comes to an end with the first sitting following the subsequent elections, without prejudice to the suspension or termination of any individual mandate.

The Members elected for each party may form a parliamentary group.

On this page you can access the Members’ biographical details and their register of interests, as well as various parliamentary activities. You also have some other search criteria that will enable you to obtain information about Members from previous legislatures. You can also access the Members’ record of attendance at plenary sittings.

It is also possible to see the parliamentary groups and the Members who belong to them; and the legislative election results and the composition of the Assembleia for the current legislature.

The Statute of Members, which lays down rules on their mandates and terms of office and the conditions for exercising them, may also be consulted in this area of the site.

Finally, you can see the composition of the Bureau, which is the Assembleia da República organ made up of the President, four Vice-Presidents, four Secretaries and four Vice-Secretaries, who are elected by an absolute majority of all the Members in full exercise of their office and for the duration of the legislature.


Election results | Statute governing Remuneration and Other Members’ Rights