Statute governing Remuneration and Other Members’ Rights
The remuneration for 2024 – monthly salary and monthly representation expenses – established by law, is as follows:
Members are also entitled to general allowances and allowances for specific parliamentary activities.
General allowances include those for travelling while the Assembleia da República (AR) is in full session, for political work anywhere in Portugal, in accordance with Article 152(2) of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, and for political work within the constituency.
Allowances for specific parliamentary activities pertain to travel for political work by elected representatives in emigrant constituencies, for institutional representation of the Assembleia da República and delegations to international organisations of which the Assembleia da República is a member and other parliamentary missions abroad.
Travel allowances when the Assembleia da República is in full session are divided into allowances for travel expenses and expense allowances, and payment thereof depends on the participation of the Member of the Assembleia da República in parliamentary activities and on the corresponding proof of participation.
Payment of the allowances referred to in the preceding paragraph depends on the Member's participation in parliamentary activities and the corresponding proof of participation.
Allowances for political work anywhere in Portugal are set in accordance with an overall annual amount and paid monthly.
Travel allowances concerning political work in the Member's constituency are subject to personal income tax. Allowances for specific parliamentary activities always require authorisation, the completion of an itinerary form and proof of participation.
By law, an official vehicle is allocated to the following persons: President of the Assembleia da República; Vice-Presidents of the Assembleia da República; Members who have served as President of the Assembleia da República; President of the Board of Administration; and Cabinet of the Secretaries of the Bureau.
Members to whom an official vehicle has been allocated must explicitly choose between the allowance for travel expenses in mainland Portugal and the use of the assigned vehicle. This option also applies to other travel within mainland Portugal on behalf of the Assembleia da República unless another decision is communicated for that travel.
Members are beneficiaries of the general Social Security scheme, which applies to every worker in Portugal (it includes protection in the event of illness, maternity/paternity, unemployment, occupational diseases, disability, old age and death).
As regards pensions, Members are covered by the general pension scheme. However, they may choose to keep any other social protection scheme to which they may be entitled because of the specific nature of their professional activity (1).
(1) Under Law No 4/85 of 9 April 1985 (1), until October 2005, Members were entitled to a lifelong monthly grant from the moment they ceased to be Members, provided that they had held that position for at least 12 years (equivalent to three legislatures).
(2) This scheme was repealed by Law No 52-A/2005 of 10 October 2005. However, it is still in effect for Members who had already earned the right to benefit from that scheme when it was repealed (i.e., those who had already been in office for 12 years or more).