Bem-vindo à página oficial da Assembleia da República

Nota de apoio à navegação

Nesta página encontra 2 elementos auxiliares de navegação: motor de busca (tecla de atalho 1) | Saltar para o conteúdo (tecla de atalho 2)
One-minute law

One-minute laws | Dignified work agenda - part 1 (revised) | 22.06.2023


One-minute laws | Dignified work agenda - part 2 (revised) | 22.06.2023


One-minute law | Right to be forgotten | 25.05.2022


One-minute law | "the rights of man" or "Human rights" | 10.12.2021


One-minute law | The Portuguese Charter of Human Rights in the Digital Age | 22.06.2021


One-minute law - Bank fees | 13.01.2021


Penalties for crimes against pets | 08.10.2020


Internuptial period | 24.06.2020


One-minute law | Exceptional measures in the context of housing and rentals | 14.04.2020


Quotas for Employees with desabilities | 03.03.2020


Alternatives to the use of ultralight plastic bags | 14.01.2020