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Comissão de Orçamento, Finanças e Administração Pública
Audiência Parlamentar Nº 17-COFAP-XII
Monitorização dos padrões da democracia regional e local em Portugal, nomeadamente no âmbito dos princípios da Carta Europeia de Autonomia Local
Data da Audiência
Concedida por Grupo de Trabalho
Entidades recebidas
Delegação do Congresso das Autoridades Locais e Regionais do Conselho da Europa

Documentos associados à audiência
Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority [formato PDF]
EUROPEAN CHARTER OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT and explanatory report [formato PDF]
Indicative list of questions for the meeting of the CLRAE delegation and the Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Budget, Finance and Public Administration [formato DOC] [formato PDF]
Indicative list of questions for the meeting of the CLRAE delegation and the Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Environment, Regional Planning and Local Government [formato DOC] [formato PDF]
Local and Regional Democracy in Portugal - EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM [formato DOC] [formato PDF]
Local democracy in Portugal [formato DOC] [formato PDF]
Procedures for monitoring the obligations and commitments entered into by the Council of Europe member states in respect of their ratification of the European Charter of Local Self-Government (ETS No. 122) [formato DOC] [formato PDF]
Recommendation 127 (2003)1 on local and regional democracy in Portugal [formato PDF]